Looking for the best fundraiser for your softball team or organization? We've got you covered!
Fundraise with the HOTTEST Softball Products
All of SoftballBox's boxes are curated by college coaches and players and endorsed by some of the best players our game has to offer! Olympians, NPF stars and softball parents alike are raving about SoftballaBox!
"QUALITY, QUALITY, QUALITY!" - From our custom training aids and swag to our hand picked drills - SoftballaBox has it all!
Donations Through Discounts
All of our non-profit partners will receive their own coupon code to give to members of their organization and any other Softballas they know! This code will give $10 discount to the family purchasing the box and $15 will be donated back to your team/organization for every box sold with your code!
Raffle SoftballaBox
In addition to our "Donations Through Discounts" program, our non-profit partners can purchase single boxes or subscriptions for up to 50% off to use as prizes for raffle fundraisers!
Show Me The Money!
Fill out the form
Fill out the contact form below and our team will be in touch to provide more information and get your organization set up to make your softballas better players and raise money!
Get Your Code
Pick a code that works best for your organization that's easy to identify for your fans! Post your code and links to our website and you're ready to go!
Cash In
Watch the boxes improve your players and the money rolls in! Monthly or quarterly donations will be made to your organization based on enrolling requirements!
"Achieve these 3 goals in every box: Educate, Equip, Execute. And honestly, it does exactly those things. We are pretty sure that you will love it as much as we did. It’s difficult to transfer how impressed we were with the quality of the products as well as how immaculate and clear the training guides inside were. We see a lot of junk out there, an this is definitely NOT JUNK!"
Softball Is For Girls
"This box comes with so many tools that work for players who live in all areas. The tools can be used for so many drills inside or in your garage which is so great for athletes who can't be outside year round. I did a lot of mirror work as a kid and it really helped me a lot! The drills in the booklet are exactly what developing players need! "
Jen Gilbert
Canadian National Team Member/ Olympian/ All NPF Team
"As a D1 coach who has been recruiting for over 20 years i can easily tell those players who work at perfecting their craft outside of organized practice. Working with their parents, friends, or by themselves it is clear which players simply want to be great and who are willing to put in the work everyday. SoftballaBox gives athletes like you, the avenue to be able to work at home and master the basics while advancing your development with each box that is delivered to your house."
Stephanie DeFeo
Head Softball Coach - Mercer University